Full Circle’s Annual Live Your Dash Luncheon funds our spring and summer programming. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, our luncheon has been postponed. Your gift (a one-time or recurring, monthly donation) will help us bridge the gap in that funding and will enable us to continue provided much-needed services right here in RVA.
Here is our plan for programs and services from April 1 to June 30, 2020 as we work remotely to serve our community. Your gift matters!
Preservation of Current Services
Now, more than ever, the children, adults, and families we serve need our support. Grieving families have increased stress with less access to their support system and may need even more professional support during this pandemic.
We are adapting to the current situation, including the Governor’s stay at home order, in the following ways:
Grief Support Groups
- For future groups, completing the registration process and psycho-social assessments via phone or tele-mental health.
- Our groups will go on. We will be conducting previously scheduled grief support groups through Zoom group meetings. Overdose Loss (OLG), Perinatal Loss (PLG), Suicide Loss (SLG) and Hands On Healing (HOH) will all start new group during this time period. Each group is made up of 8-10 group members.
- We will be providing crisis support and case management to all group participants (previous and current) via phone or tele-mental health.
- We will continue providing professional or individual bereavement consultations each week via phone or email.

Individual Counseling
- Full Circle licensed therapists wil be conducting individual counseling appointments through Telehealth, allowing for the same self-pay rate or insurance coverage.
- We are accepting NEW clients at this time and we take many insurances. Please email us at counseling@fullcirclegc.org for more information.

Grief Educational Programs
- Our Executive Director, Allyson Drake, is holding all previously scheduled educational programs for professionals through Zoom.
- Our website and social media platforms will be offering bereavement resources, educational blogs, and resources for support, in order to help our community members cope with the uncertainty of this pandemic. These will be consistently updated to meet the needs in our community.

Preparation for Future Services
Our professionals at Full Circle are working diligently to prepare for the impact of COVID-19. Unfortunately, this pandemic will place an immense strain on the mental health of many in our community and this virus will take lives. We may be on the edge of a mental health crisis as this pandemic takes its toll. Readiness to execute current programs as well as additional programs will be essential to our community’s mental health.
Initial planning includes:
- Expanding the reach of tele-mental health. This time, March through September, is a significant amount of time outside of school without school personnel providing support. Full Circle will be expanding services outside of the RVA area to underserved areas in the state of Virginia. Full Circle will help bridge the gap for those needed mental health support for grief and loss.
- Creating a community response plan in the event that our Richmond community experiences widespread loss due to COVID-19. This plan will include the creation of counseling services and resource materials for grieving a loved one due to COVID-19, planning funerals amidst this crisis, and support for frontline workers (hospital staff, police, EMTs, firefighters, etc.).
- Expanding our virtual educational and support opportunities to support the mental health needs of our community during COVID-19.

Your gift matters. It enables us to continue serving those in our community who need it most. We can’t do it without your support. Please consider a donation to bridge the gap in lost funding during this challenging time. We appreciate your support.