This month, our staff spotlight is Becky Evans, MS, Resident in Counseling. Becky joined Full Circle in May 2012 and has led more than 35 groups, including Hands On Healing and Suicide Loss.

What Makes Full Circle Unique?
Full Circle is different from other grief services in that they provide so many creative avenues for those grieving to receive services not only in house, but in the community and when needed they also collaborate with other agencies to make needed services available.
Full Circle offers RVA services that are unlike other grief counseling services in that they are constantly making the adaptations and changes needed to provide grief services to our community which shows their resiliency in these ever changing times that in which we live.
“Full Circle continues to meet the needs of those grieving by thinking outside the box regarding their individual services and group programs through creative expression and by allowing and trusting their leaders to use their own creativity and expertise while leading groups.“
Full Circle provides a safe platform for those in need the opportunity to individually recognize their own power to find hope, begin the healing process and find ways to remember their lost loved one through their grief journey.
Share a memorable experience.
I have been privileged to have SO many memorable experiences with groups, participants both in house at Full Circle and at events but the thing that never gets old is when you see a participant have that “me too” moment! When this happens, you can see it in the person’s physical presence in that they appear as if they unloaded a 100lbs off their back.
A Memorable Remembrance Project
With a group of middle school girls I had them each pick a decorative piece of paper as a background in which to make a heart with their hands to be photographed. During the process I had the girls share the visible differences they each saw from the patterns & color of the paper to their physical differences of their hands. With those descriptions and differences given we also talked about how grief is different for everyone just like their physical appearances and individual choices.

The individual pictures of heart hands were all photo shopped into one frame and at our last group each member was provided a picture to remind them of their group experiences but to also remind them of the love for their person they were grieving.
Upon receiving their photos, each member shared something they loved about their person they were grieving followed by sharing a grief related positive comment, wish or advice to one of their peers in the group. This piece of art made by the group was sold in the Full of Heart silent auction raising funds for our Full Circle programs.
Where is your favorite place to be?
My favorite place to be is ALWAYS anywhere in the world with my husband, 4 kids and 3 mini schnauzers as they are my loves and inspiration for each day … BUT of course I’ll take the mountains and lakes or the beaches anywhere in the world on any day!
Thank you to Becky Evans for her dedication and commitment to our mission here at Full Circle.