A message about COVID-19

Understanding the increasing concerns related to the coronavirus, we want our group participants, counseling clients, and volunteers to be aware that our team is meeting daily and paying close attention to the rapidly developing health concerns related to the COVID-19. We care about your health and the health of your loved ones, and we want to ensure we are providing a safe place for everyone who enters our doors.  

Please know that we are adhering to the CDC’s guidelines regarding cleaning disinfectants (i.e. EPA Antimicrobial Registered Products) effective against the COVID-19 virus and are cleaning common areas throughout the day.  

You will see signs on our doors asking the following three questions:

  1. Has your family recently traveled to one of the following countries: China, Iran, Italy, Japan, or South Korea?
  2. Have you have had close contact with a known Coronavirus (COVID-19) patient?
  3. Do you feel ill? 

If the answer is YES to any of these questions, please DO NOT VISIT OUR CENTER.

If you need to cancel your appointment due to illness, your possible exposure to the virus, having a compromised immune system or caring for someone who does, please let your program manager, group leader, or therapist know. 

NOTE: Under these fluid circumstances, we have adjusted our 24 hour cancellation policy for Individual Counseling appointments. Until further notice, please cancel with more than eight hours notice to avoid being charged our $50 cancellation fee. In addition, our staff has been advised to stay home if feeling ill or caring for a sick family member. 

We know you may have questions in the coming days about our services and groups. We are working to answer those questions and will be communicating with you directly if plans need to be changed. As of now, we are holding all appointments and offering all group meetings.  We will stay informed and align with up-to-date local, state, and federal public health guidelines and adhere to the CDC’s guidance for planning and response to the coronavirus. We will communicate any changes regarding our operations as needed here on our website and via email, Facebook and Instagram.

For more information and resources, we recommend the trusted resources of local and national health authorities, including:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Allyson at allyson@fullcirclegc.org.

Thank you for your understanding and your continued support of our mission.