A hallmark of our Hands on Healing group is our family activity.

Full Circle is committed to our community and in our continued effort to serve, adapt, and connect with our participants (past, current, and future) we are introducing a weekly program that’s easy to do at home with supplies you typically have on hand.
Follow along each week as we share with you a family activity you can do with your children to talk about feelings, coping strategies, and ways to remember your loved one.
You might even find you enjoy doing these remembrance activities as well.

Our summer Hands On Healing group begins June 17 and we are taking registrations now. It is open to children ages 3 – 17 and their adult caregivers. Each session is facilitated by experienced professionals and includes dinner, peer discussion, and a family activity. To register, contact HOHgroups@fullcirclegc.org.
If you need additional support during this challenging time, we also offer individual counseling via Telehealth and are accepting new clients. For more information, contact counseling@fullcirclegc.org.