Category: COVID-19

Introducing: Family Fridays

Introducing: Family Fridays

A hallmark of our Hands on Healing group is our family activity. Full Circle is committed to our community and in our continued effort to serve, adapt, and connect with our participants (past, current, and future) we are introducing a weekly program that’s easy to…

Healthy Coping Amidst COVID-19

Healthy Coping Amidst COVID-19

By Michael Rose, Clinical Mental Health Counselor In times like these, we tend to have increased concerns for our own health. We also have genuine fear about the well-being of our loved ones, especially if they’re already at increased risk themselves. Concern(s) about the future…

Your Gift Matters

Your Gift Matters

Full Circle’s Annual Live Your Dash Luncheon funds our spring and summer programming. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, our luncheon has been postponed. Your gift (a one-time or recurring, monthly donation) will help us bridge the gap in that funding and will enable us to continue…

Give Local. Support Local.

Give Local. Support Local.

What exactly does my donation support? How is the center helping others during the stay-at-home order by the governor? There are so many places asking me for money, why should I donate to Full Circle? What makes your services ‘necessary’? These are all valid questions.…

Serve. Adapt. Connect.

Serve. Adapt. Connect.

Our community has brought Full Circle through adversity in the past and we know that we can count on you in the future. What we have learned from our 12 years of experience serving grieving families in RVA, is that the power of holding a…

Week Two At A Glance

Week Two At A Glance

We remain active and in contact with our participants through various virtual platforms, although our physical center is closed. We’re staying flexible in meeting the needs of our clients who are not only often isolated in their grief but also isolated in these current uncertain…