Hands on Healing Family Groups are a way for loved ones to share their stories of loss, and connect with others. They explore feelings, develop healthy coping skills, and discover new ways to remember loved ones.
Full Circle provides art-based grief support services to children and families who have experienced the death of someone significant to them.
Our next Hands on Healing Group Is registering NOW. Please register by September 15, 2020.
October 6 – November 24, 2020
Tuesday Nights 6:00 – 7:30PM
Weekly For 8 Sessions
Share your story of loss, explore your feelings, developing coping strategies, strengthen your communication skills, and discover new ways to remember your loved one by joining this 8-week Hands on Healing family group.
Open to children ages 3 – 17 and their adult caregivers, each session is facilitated by experienced professionals and includes dinner, peer discussion, and a family activity.
Groups will meet virtually using videoconferencing.
Registration Information:
All participants must register for the group prior to attending.
To register, contact Rachel Melhorn at 804-912-2947 Ext. 121 or HOHgroups@fullcirclegc.org.
Space is limited so please register early.