Support Group Care Packages
With the transition to virtual videoconference support groups, our members are in need of some of the supplies they would traditionally have access to here at the Center during their group sessions. With that in mind, we would like to be able to provide our members some of these critical supplies in the form of a care package, so that they may have the very best group experience possible.
These care packages, with items selected by the group leaders, will allow the participants to have a few supplies at home to explore their feelings through creative expression similar to what we would do in groups at the Center. It will also give them an opportunity to create meaningful remembrance projects for their loved ones.
To purchase items for our care packages, simply visit our Amazon Wish List. You can purchase directly from there and it will ship directly to us at Full Circle.
Full Circle is always in need of supplies for programs to aid in supporting our grieving families. We have provided a list of our most frequently use supplies below. Any donation of any kind is greatly appreciated and highly valued!
Top 10 Donations Needed
- Tissue Boxes (square)
- Copy Paper
- Paint Pens
- Canvases
- Battery Operated Votive Candles
- Paper Towels
- Toilet Paper
- Hershey’s or Dove Chocolates
- Cases of Water Bottles (any size)
- Gift Cards in any amount (Publix, Staples, Michaels, Walmart, Target, or Amazon)
You can drop them off Monday-Thursday from 9:30am-3:00pm or email holly@fullcirclegc.org to schedule another time. Drop-off is at:
Full Circle Grief Center
10611 Patterson Avenue, Bldg 201
Richmond, VA 23238
(behind the 7-11 at the intersection of Pump and Patterson)
Thank you!
Amazon Wish List
Our therapists and professionals have compiled a list of items needed for children and adults. This list can be found on Amazon.com and items can be shipped directly to Full Circle. Please click here to access the list. Thank you for considering Full Circle with your donations!
Supply Drive
Contact Holly Hamilton to learn more about coordinating a supply drive! This is a great idea for your Boy Scout or Girl Scout Troops, your school, your neighborhood or just a group of friends!
Circle of Giving
Support Full Circle During the Holiday Season
With the launch of our Individual Counseling Services, this year’s Circle of Giving focuses on completing the set-up of our counseling rooms and collecting supplies for our work with individual clients.
As in previous years, we will also be collecting items to be used to support our Hands on Healing Family group, Perinatal Loss group, Suicide Loss group, and Overdose Loss group.
Option 1: NEW THIS YEAR! Visit our Amazon Wish List. You can purchase right from our list that includes books, art supplies, office supplies, office furniture/accessories, drinks and snacks, or a gift card, and have it shipped directly to us.
Option 2: Collect any of the following supplies:
Paint Pens
Flat Canvases (5 x 7 preferred)
Battery Operate Votive Candles
Mason Jars
Hardbound Journals/Composition Books
Individually Wrapped Snacks (nut free)
Bottled Water/Juice Boxes, Capri Suns
Post-It Notes (3″ x 3″)
Baby Wipes
Copy Paper
Paper Towels, Toilet Paper
Hersey’s Miniatures, Dove Chocolates
Gift Cards: Domino’s, Amazon, Hobby Lobby
Option 3: Make a monetary donation to cover the cost of the above supplies.
Contact Holly Hamilton at 804-912-2947 ext 109
or holly@fullcirclegc.org.
You can also visit our website at www.fullcirclegc.org.
Click here to download a donation form.
Please consider visiting smile.amazon.com and designating Full Circle Grief Center as the organization you support. Amazon will donate a portion of your spending back to Full Circle!