From the very beginning, our goal as an organization in the COVID-19 crisis has been to serve our community, adapt our business model, and connect with those who need us most
We’re excited to add VIRTUAL STORY TIMES to our programs. Each week, we will share a story you can enjoy at home on our YouTube Channel. These are chosen by our licensed professionals to help your child process grief and continue healing at home.

This week Rachel Melhorn, Family Bereavement Services Manager and Therapist, is sharing the sweet book “I Am Peace” by Susan Verde.
When the world feels chaotic, help your child find peace within through mindfulness practice. This book, written especially for children with beautiful watercolor illustrations, bring the tenants of mindfulness to a child-friendly level. “I Am Peace” will help readers and listeners of all ages feel grounded and restored. At the end of the story, Rachel will walk you and your child through a guided imagery exercise.

At Full Circle, we are committed to serving, adapting, and connecting with you the best way we know how. We will continue to do our best offering these essential programs and services to our community.
We are now offering individual counseling sessions, group meetings for Perinatal Loss, Pregnancy After Loss, Suicide Loss and Overdose Loss, as well as “Conversations About Grief” virtually while our physical offices are closed.
Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for inspiring messages and useful resources for processing grief and to promote healing.
If there is a way we can support you, please let us know at