Each Sunday, parents and children are invited to find a cozy spot at home and join us for Story Time. The books, read by our Full Circle staff and therapists, are selected to help children explore the difficult emotions surrounding grief and loss and will encourage gentle conversations about all of those BIG feelings.

This week, Rachel Melhorn, Family Bereavement Services Coordinator and Licensed Play Therapist, will be reading In My Heart: A Book of Feelings, by Jo Witek. This is a whimsically illustrated story exploring a full range of emotions we hold in our heart.

Some of us feel light balloons. Others as heavy as an elephant. It’s a sweet story to help children better understand their big feelings and offers a unique opportunity for discussion as to how and when they experience those big feelings, in a simple, yet profound way.

Be sure to join Rachel at the end the story for a fun activity to do with your child to expolore what’s in their hearts.
Be sure to check out of all of our virtual story times, each carefully selected to help you and your child explore all of those big feelings surrounding grief and loss.