Each Sunday, parents and children are invited to find a cozy spot at home and join us for Story Time. The books, read by our Full Circle staff and therapists, are selected to help children explore the difficult emotions surrounding grief and loss and will encourage gentle conversations about all of those BIG feelings.

This week, Hands On Healing group leader, Karen Kennedy will be sharing “The Invisible String.”

This book by Patrice Karst is often one we recommend at Full Circle. It’s a heartwarming story that reassures children that even though they can’t always be with a loved one, they’re always in each other’s hearts. Whenever a child thinks about a family member, THE INVISIBLE STRING gives a tug.
This book is an excellent way to begin the conversation about death. The gentle story illustrates that we are still connected by love even after someone passes.
Check out of all of our virtual story times each carefully selected to help you and your child explore all of those big feelings surrounding grief and loss.